Our regular industry-focused communications have been more important than ever this year with the ambiguity of the market created by both the pandemic and Brexit. In addition to our weekly e-newsletter, with all the latest trade, economic and QMS activity updates, we have worked with the trade media and across social media to communicate the latest market commentary, industry developments and relevant news stories to our stakeholders.
To support the industry with consumer communications, we provided downloadable toolkits with social media assets and marketing material for key occasions including #LoveLambWeek, St Andrew’s Day and Veganuary.
When the Highland Show was cancelled due to Covid restrictions, we brought highlights of it virtually to stakeholders and we ran a series of GrassCheck features in Scottish Farmer to share peer-to-peer learning on pasture management.
We took the time to refresh and rebrand Livestock+, which will launch in 2021 as The Cut. We also supported the rebrand and relaunch of the Scotch Butchers’ Club (see market development page), as well as creating marketing materials for two trade shows in China (see market development page).